Weekend Fun

Saturday we spent the afternoon at the first birthday party of a very special little girl. Her name is Lilly, but what makes her so special, besides just being herself, is her mommy and I grew up living next to each other from the time I was brought home from the hospital till we both left for college! Charlotte was cranky from her monthly vaccinations two days before, yet, managed to take a small time out to be silly with Grandma!

Sunday we went to Sparta for a family reunion. Despite being passed around quite a bit she managed to stay happy and charm everyone. I was afraid I was going to have grab her and make a run for it when we were ready to leave.

Thank you to my cousin Aaron's wife, Erin, for taking this picture.

We also visited my great grandma while we were in town.

Jen  – (September 15, 2010 at 9:45 AM)  

Mindy, is this YOUR great grandma? Does that mean Charlotte has a great-great grandma? (Wow, five living generations is SO cool!)

Mindy  – (September 15, 2010 at 7:41 PM)  

Yep, this is my great grandma, so Charlotte's great great grandma. Five generations with my dad being the only male!

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