Weekend Fun
Saturday we spent the afternoon at the first birthday party of a very special little girl. Her name is Lilly, but what makes her so special, besides just being herself, is her mommy and I grew up living next to each other from the time I was brought home from the hospital till we both left for college! Charlotte was cranky from her monthly vaccinations two days before, yet, managed to take a small time out to be silly with Grandma!
Sunday we went to Sparta for a family reunion. Despite being passed around quite a bit she managed to stay happy and charm everyone. I was afraid I was going to have grab her and make a run for it when we were ready to leave.
Mindy, is this YOUR great grandma? Does that mean Charlotte has a great-great grandma? (Wow, five living generations is SO cool!)
Yep, this is my great grandma, so Charlotte's great great grandma. Five generations with my dad being the only male!