a great boobie conversation

Let me preface this by saying that Charlotte does not take bottles. Ever. In the beginning we tried to convince her that a bottle was the same as the original, but after every attempt resulted in screaming and lots of wasted milk, we finally gave up. Whatever, her num-nums are easier to keep clean and are always available.

Me: "I figured out what to do with all that frozen breastmilk I have stored up."

Chad: "Oh jeez."

Me: "What does that comment mean?"

Chad: "Nothing, just tell me what you are going to do with it."

Me: "No, seriously what did you mean by that."

Chad: "Just that whatever it is I am sure it is going to be something extremely generous and completely outside the scope of normal."

Me: "I'm going to use it to make pancakes for Charlotte, because we don't have a waffle maker. Does that mean you think I am abnormal?"

Chad: No response because he is running for the bathroom heaving.

A little while later.

Chad: "Why don't we just make breastmilk butter while we are at it."

Um excuse me. He thought pancakes were disgusting?

I'm not sure whether I should be complemented because he must think I am a very generous person or offended because I made him want to hurl.

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